Got a Holga 135bc and a Lomography Diana F+ starter kit for Christmas 2010, and I have completely fallen in love with both of them. I'm still new to analog photography, so it's going to take me a while to get used to having no idea how my pics turn out until they're developed. But that's half the fun of it!
Monroe/United States
我的相片 我的照片集 My Walls 我的筆記 My Likes
相簿: Diana F+
shared by fibonaccispiral on 2011-03-27 · 11 張照片 -
相簿: Lomo LC-A
shared by fibonaccispiral on 2011-02-20 · 27 張照片 -
相簿: Digitally Altered
shared by fibonaccispiral on 2011-01-30 · 4 張照片 -
相簿: First Few Rolls
shared by fibonaccispiral on 2011-01-30 · 45 張照片
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