4 個留言

  1. brianna725
    brianna725 ·

    Ooo the Tungsten turned out nice, I've yet to use mine but I'm nervous the film wouldn't turn out on fixed exposure cameras - but looks like it did. Any suggestions for me?

  2. gotoarizona
    gotoarizona ·

    wonderful colors!!

  3. andrejrusskovskij
    andrejrusskovskij ·

    @brianna725 tungsten is probably my favourite film amongst all because everything comes out so unexpected... just a quick advice: if you want a purple tone on your pics use it on cloudy days, if you prefer a pink-redish tone use it on bright sunny days. have fun and don't be afraid ;)

  4. brianna725
    brianna725 ·

    The best part about analogue right? Thanks so much!

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