3 個留言

  1. lomodesbro
    lomodesbro ·

    My daughter wants to ride her Harley down what is left of Route 66. A Kiwi guy leads group tours. I have my eye on a wee town in North Island for ghost signs.. Yes the dry grass in lumen print looks like flames

  2. lomodesbro
    lomodesbro ·

    I once spent a summer in Topeka Kansas

  3. lorrainehealy
    lorrainehealy ·

    @lomodesbro yeah, I saw them, the Kiwis and the Aussies (and a few South Africans) on their rented Harleys on Route 66! Not this trip but the one in 2011. They were having a blast. If like father, like daughter, she'll absolutely LOVE it.
    A Summer in Topeka must have been h-o-t... Looking forward to your ghost signs

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